I certainly meant no offense and I apologize if my education doesn’t measure up to your standards. It has, however, served me well thus far.
You were discussing in your post, I believe, your angst with the expansion of the money supply and how it was the cause of inflation. Inflation (outside of an acceptable range) "might" possibly be at least partially due to consumer spending of those excess funds rather than increased savings. Excess demand, especially in an environment where an aspirational purchase is being contemplated, manifests itself into rising prices when the commodity is finite.
When was the last time you were comfortable with the amount of the money supply? At what point in history?
When were prices last “fair” in your estimation? Government policy and dock worker practices? Did you sell your car because you were ready to sell or were you selling to monetize and maximize value? Every human is either a beneficiary or a victim of the effects of inflation. Most of us are beneficiaries provided we understand what is a good store of wealth and what is not.
You certainly aren’t compelled to respond to the questions above although I’m always intellectually curious as to what makes others "tick".
And Milton Friedman is but one opinion, as is yours or mine.