Does a turntable make a DRAMATIC difference?

I purchased some analog gear in the hopes of making my analog side (a Sutherland 20 20 phono preamplifier and a Hana ML cartridge) at least the equal of my digital side. Although it has markedly improved the sound of my records it has not equaled the SQ of my digital sources. I know my turntable ( a heavily modified Rega RP3 with two power supplies and many other internal tweaks) is the weakest link. My question is, will a new improved turntable make a MAJOR difference, or just incrementally improve the sound. Or do I have to spend major bucks to achieve what I want.

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My phone and turntable were awesome upgrades. When I added a wood isolation platform under my table it was a drastic upgrade. And my Solid Steel Rack I had thought was already handling business. Add isolation it was a stellar upgrade. 


I think I can add my $0.02 here since some of the components are similar.
I’m using Hana ML with Sutherland KC Vibe Mk2. When I purchased the Hana my digital front end was Lumin U1 Mini and Benchmark DAC 3 HGC.

Turntable is MoFi UltraDeck and I used Dr. Feichert protractor to align the Hana ML cart.

Compared to Lumin/Benchmark the analog set up had sweeter sound with wider soundstage. The detail retrieval is on par with digital just different presentation.  Overall more relaxed and natural sounding but slightly trailing behind the benchmark in dynamics and bass drive and impact.
The analog combo was so good that it prompted the DAC upgrade as it had exposed some not so great traits of the benchmark DAC.

One other thing…prior to MoFi UltraDeck I owned Rega P2. The MoFi is a significant step up in build, features and sound quality. Rega’s lack of VTA adjustment alone is a deal breaker when you’re talking about going to better non-rega cartridges. Yes you can use spacers but still not comparable.

problem with this thread, this question asked, is different people would not easily agree on what is 'dramatic'... 

RV, something to consider that I've failed to mention. I don't know if my experience is unique or if it is something that other attentive audiophiles have had to deal with. Back in the day when vinyl was my primary source of music I had a fairly good (near SOTA) system but not a particularly fine, and comprehensive, collection of music.

I finally started to pay attention to digital in the 90's and concurrently started ignoring vinyl. All the new (to me perhaps), unexplored, music was coming out on CD's so I followed it. I tuned my system to get digital listenable and I succeeded (I think) but, interestingly the changes I introduced seem to degrade my vinyl system's reproduction (not that much perhaps) so it was easy to continue to ignore my records and just play CD's.  Being unable to get both sources on equal footing I simply gave my analog system (and records) to my grandson-in-law and moved on with just fond memories of the greatness of vinyl.  He's happy and so am I. And, ultimately, digital is so plug and play as opposed to the set up AND maintenance of a vinyl system so I have more time and less to worry about.

ghprentice, I suspect I might, just might mind you, be much more anal than you when it comes to vinyl. :-)