Schit Audio Marketing Department: Can We Give them a Hand?

The people at Schit Audio make high-value, good-sounding audio gear.  They also have a name that is …. a bit “usual”.  In visiting their website, Schit seems be open to “creative ideas” that leverage the power of their unusual name.  And they’ve also demonstrated the capacity to chuckle along with us at times.  All good indicators there is somebody home.


So, what if some of the brightest (okay, weirdest) minds around come up with ideas to solidify their brand?  Maybe they would give our group some free stuff, and we could have a lotto or raffle for a good cause?  Or just give us contributors a good deal on a nice piece to shoehorn into a rack between some of our existing gear?


At any rate, here’s a few ideas for products and services to get the ball rolling:


GIVE-A-Schit:  Gift card.  The purchaser could print out a hard copy of the receipt and prove to others that they actually do give-a-schit.


Schit TOGETHER: Interconnects.


Schit SHINOLA:  Detox and terminal cleaner.  Might be some trademark issues here, so got to be careful on this one.


HOLY Schit:  While this certainly sets a high standard for performance, some may view this as blasphemous.  So, might be best to stay away from this one?


Schit HAPPENS:  Service/Tech support


Schit STORM:  A new product (undefined category) that takes the market by storm.


DEEP Schit:  Bass enhancement product or future subwoofer amp or speaker.


Schit HAPPEN(ING)S:  Newletter and/or events calendar


Schit HITS THE FAN:  Active cooling products


.. and, finally,


Schit ER:  Yes, just “ER” (pronounced “eerrr” as in “her”).  Perhaps a refillable disc or stylus cleaning solution in 1 oz bottle, with an accompanying 16oz master bottle.  With the refill is complete, you can proclaim: “Schit ER’s full!”


Your turn.





So, can I assume then that someone who's system is maxxed out on these components as "Full of Schiit?"

@waytoomuchstuff Too easy to keeping going

No ****** Sherlock 

****** Yah

******  and giggles.

******  storm

I don't want to wind up a lying sack******  of wearing my ******  kickers

Enough to this ****** Back to out regular scheduled broadcast. Loki is the Norse god of mischief so I guess this silly ****** belongs here...but not really.



And "Ragnarok" is the final destruction of the world in the conflict between the Aesir and the powers of Hel led by Loki.

Someone at Schiit Audio is educated and has a wicked sense of humor!


Let’s not forget that only English speaking (mostly American) people giggle at Schiit. For others, it’s just one of the hundreds of brands using Norse mythology names nowadays. 

@fynnegan Good point. 

If memory serves me correctly, wasn't there fairly recent case an American brand whose name was high offensive to another culture, thus creating a name change?