How to connect my Cell Phone to my DAC?!?!


i have been told it is possible to connect my cell phone directly to my DAC and play music from the phone, but can't figure it out.  :(  DAC is showing "44Khz" message so it KNOWS that something is connected to it, but it never plays any music.  I am using an "Audio USB" cable from a DJ supply company.  The same phone and same cable work fine going into my Hegel Amp (internal DAC) but no sound comes through when trying to use EXTERNAL DAC.  The item in question is the SMSL SU9n.  I cant find any email contact at SMSL.  i wonder if anyone here would know how to troubleshoot this problem.  Thank you for your comments.


DAC is going into a different amp, the SMSL DA-9 with Balanced XLR cables.

The Hegel is not really involved.  I just used that example to show that the phone and cable are working.

+1 @allanblissett 

Since your DAC is displaying a sampling rate (44kHz), that implies it is connected to your phone and you should next explore your input connection to the Hegel.  Make sure you’re not trying to implement the DAC loop feature of some Hegel Amps. So, forget External DAC connection.  Just run RCA or XLR analog output from DAC  to Hegel analog input jacks.

Can you plug the DAC into the Hegal to be sure the DAC works.  If yes and it works (produces sound through the Hegal) the problem appears to be in your other amp.

Make sure you have the right USB input selected on the DAC and try running the DAC’s output to the Hegel and see if it works.  Best of luck.