One turntable with two arms, or two turntables with one each - which would you prefer?

Which would you prefer, if budget allowed: one turntable with two tonearms or two turntables with one each? What would your decision criteria be?

And the corollary: one phono preamp with multiple inputs or two phono preamps?

Assume a fixed budget, but for the purposes of this question, the budget is up to the responder. Admittedly for this type of setup, there will be a sizeable investment once all components of the chain are factored in.

I'm curious to hear how people would decide for themselves the answer to this question. Or maybe you've already made this decision - what do you like about your decision or what would you differently next time?




Several Big Ones allow 2 arms

AND, they have a UniPivot Arm, you can have several cartridges mounted to spare arms, simply switch them

Technics Base B500 also allows quick change arms, the 250 S arm has removable headshell, the ___? is straight



In Use, things evolve: 

I have a lot of Jazz LP's, many Mono LP's. There is nothing as easy as having a Mono cartridge ready (mounted, aligned, azimuth/overhang/vta/tracking/anti-skate) all set to go, play some Oscar Peterson Stereo, up comes a mono LP, switch arms, select arm C on the SUT, change the Mode on the preamp to Mono (or just a single speaker), then back to arm A or B for Stereo.

Original Idea: I had 2 arms, mono in the back. I was selling LP's, giving them a farewell listen. I realized I was wearing out my MC Stylus when I could have been using a MM with a replaceable stylus. That's when I added the 3rd arm, left side backwards for Mono, rear for MM or MC (mine and friends cartridges we listen to); right long arm favorite MC, fixed.

Thanks everyone. It's cool to read everyone's take on the question.

I don't know how to answer the question for myself - yet, at least. The reason I'd be interested in having a second setup is that I love the idea of having setups optimized for different sonic signatures, but don't really want to deal with resetting vta, vtf, etc. every time I change cartridges.

As I've thought about it off and on throughout the day, and read others' responses, I've honed in on a couple questions I need to answer for myself: do I really need a mono cart (same situation here @dogberry) and/or do I want both a suspended and non-suspended table for variety? I've only ever lived with non-suspended tables and am curious about suspended tables, lately.

In any case, I fully agree on the importance of a good phono stage. I'd be inclined to go with a single phono stage with multiple inputs, and get variety from table/tonearm/cartridge combos.

@noromance, I checked out your system. Great solution for vinyl storage! I'm getting too old to crawl around on the floor trying to read spines.