Jumped the shark. ???

Been a tube guy that dabbles in Class D. Found a deal today on a Open Box Rogue Audio Pharaoh II and said what the heck lets give a class A/D Hybrid  a shot for shits and giggles.  Will be traveling next week when it arrives but I will have the following week to play. Have 5 different sets of speakers to play with, QLN Sonora,  Sonus faber Sonnetto II, Sonner allegro unum speakers, Raven Audio CeLest Towers. Dynaudio Heritage Special. 

Other Integrated to compare against, Audio Hungary X200 Qualiton, Simaudio 600i V2.  Cyrus One, Heed Audio Elixer. 

Let you know what we think in a few weeks. 


@boxer12 Thank you for the compliment. We have been collecting for a while and while I was down in Padre Island recovering we made a few acquisitions.

Now I am back traveling and have been in the RSA and Mexico for work. Back to the grind.


@jerryg123 Thanks for the info on the updated Pharaoh.  Despite the Medusa using their older design and being firmly in the “white wine” sound category, it was still one of the better amps I’ve had in my system so the Pharaoh with all its improvements may be quite special and love to hear your thoughts once it’s burned in. 

@immatthewj you are a real fine human being.

Thanks, @jerryg123 , judging from the obscene emails that you used to send me, I thought that you probably felt that way.