Magico Ultimate III - $700,000 Speakers

For a pair of Magico Ultimate III, they ask for 700 thousand dollars, and five-way systems with horn design are hidden in aluminum cases with a height of 230 centimeters. They reportedly require 10 amplifiers, and in terms of technical innovation, it is worth noting that a highly sensitive compression driver is located in the throat of each horn.



If Jay toured the Magico facility and recommends then I'm sure people will place a 2nd mortgage on their house 🤣🤭😜

Magico calls these horn speakers, but they are actually hybrid speakers that include horns.  Horn bass is the icing on the cake.  I would prefer Living Voice Vox Olympians with horn subs for about the same money.

I wish I could say that a complicated multi-way system would be stunningly better sounding than a conventionally amplified system.  They are not.