Question about assembling my own DIY AC Cable

I am about to assemble my first DIY AC Power cables for the first time. I chose the Yarbo SP-1100W as cable  and Viborg connectors.



I was looking through some guides on youtube how to assemble it and I found this video from Furutech and as you can see they separate each conductor in 2 branches. I don't understand why they are doing that, does anybody know why? Should I do that as well for my power cable?



This is the neotech one I have sitting that I have not tried  yet. I just have a plug not an iec  in this one my turntable has a captive powercord and I bought this one to try on the turntable.  



I also used the furutech contact  on the plug wires. Others have stated they don't like the rhodium plugs, only needed in a harsh saltwater environment. 

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@carlsbad said:

Do your tube amps not like shielded cables terminated on both ends (may cause ground loop) or were you saying that there is a problem if they are grounded only on one end?

For a better word a shielded power cord sucks the air out of the music.

As for grounds loops..., I must be blessed I have never experienced ground loop hum from any audio equipment I have ever owned.
