@holmz I said…
— that your comfortable and convenient world of theories and measurements might implode if your ears tell you they’re hearing actual improvements? Or maybe you won’t find any improvements or maybe even decreased performance. Either way, that’s called learning — a concept I’d think a scientist would embrace
To which you reply…
What you describe is not “learning” so much as its is “experiencing”. What would I have learned?
Wow. Just…wow. If you’re saying you can’t learn through new experiences we are truly on different planets. I’ve learned a helluva lot more by keeping an open mind and listening to lots of different equipment than I ever learned by looking at measurements. At this point I’ll take @thyname advice and just give up as there’s clearly no point going any further with this and leave with some Pink Floyd lyrics that seem appropriate…
The bleeding hearts and the artists make their stand
And when they’ve given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it’s not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger’s wall