NODE as just a streamer / Airplay device

What are your thoughts on using the NODE as just a streamer and for airplay, and for storing maybe 30 CD of music in FLAC digital format? I will use a separate DAC, leaning toward the Benchmark DAC3 and I ordered the AHB2 amp.

My goal is a reliable, easy to use interface, easy to set up device that outputs accurate digital signal to the DAC. Probably going with Qobuz. Since this is the software side of thing, I want it to have an easy to use, feature rich interface, and is reliable and supported. Few things are more frustrating to finally getting some time for music listening and then having things not work or connect. I would like to hardwire connect the NODE to Ethernet cable and use an IPad to wirelessly control the NODE via a user interface. I want the Ipad to just be the controller and not be in the streaming loop.

Thanks of your input/advice.


NODE N130 with Pardo LPS powered with Shunyata venom 14 PC  to Gustard X26 PRO via DH Labs silver USB cable so it uses the superior Gustard clock instead of the Node. Blujeans ethernet cable from NODE to TP-Link extender. Bingo, life is good. Vinyl setup, CD setup and now streaming setup, all sound equally GREAT with slightly different presentation. It takes time and dedication but is truly a wonderful journey. Of course, none of these results would have been achieved to those levels without the attention to detail in the room building and its acoustics. If interested I give plenty of details about all of it in my house of stereo system page. Seeing other folks systems has always been a big part of my learning process on this site. Everyone should post their system so we know what they are talking about when they make claims about their experiences. 

After all, that's why many sites have the poster's system listed below each of their posts and of course all reviewers post theirs too with each review. Without that info, I respectfully learn nothing.

Was considering node and at the time they had no usb out.  My dac manufacturer has multiple inputs, still suggesting that usb wqs the the preferred method.  Using small green computer rendu.  

This may interest some. Since I operate my streamer with my android phone as a remote, there are very few options for me. It automatically eliminates Auralic since they do not do Android. Lumin and Aurender both have huge issues with it, just look at their super low review ratings (below 3*) and horror stories on their apps for Android. In my $5,000 price range it really leaves only Innuos has a possible upgrade from the Node since they do Android well as per their sense app reviews. However, not sure it really would be a significant upgrade over my Node/Pardo setup so it makes it an easy decision to stick with the Node and bluos app which works absolutely flawlessly on my android. Further proven by the over 11k 4*+ reviews on their app. It's rare when audio equipment available out there makes the decision process so easy for me related to my android setup. Live and learn. T