@wheelndeal1099 , good luck and let us know the results. Try to resist making any judgements for at least a week if not longer, and leave your system on quietly.
I always get impatient and make rush judgements when trying new gear. My final assessment after at least a week with it is rarely consistent with my initial assessment (although my amp was an exception, as it was awesome from the start and remained that way).
After burn-in and after you adjust, try removing the new cord and conditioner and then see what you think.
Also - AC noise (THD) is not something you consciously hear from your speakers in most cases. But when it’s removed, if effective in your system, you may notice a quietness that surrounds vocals and instruments that wasn’t there before, allowing more detail, air and soundstage depth to come through. I agree with others that connecting amps to conditioners is detrimental to them (except for Torus which is not a conditioner), but your results could easily vary. Nothing is a sure thing in this hobby.