Considering Cambridge Audio Amp/CD - Need Advice

Ok, I'm a brand new audiophile, or perhaps I should say I've been a wannabee audiophile for many years.

I just got a used pair of Paradigm 11se Mk II for $150. I know these are a bit older, but next to my previous Infinity RS-5B (which I'll have to sell now - anyone know what they're worth?), these are a huge improvement.

I've done a LOT of research and decided that all I need now are an integrated amp and a cd player. My budget is around $1,000 and from all my research, it seems my best bet is a Cambridge Audio 640A v.2 integrated amp and Cambridge Audio 640C v.2. The 640A is only 75 watts per channel, but supposedly 100 watts for 4 ohms, which is what my Paradigms are. Even though my Paradigms go up to 160 watts, with the size of the room I have, I'll never need anything close to that, so I figure that amp will suffice just fine.

So anyway, does this seem a good use of my money for a good entry level amp/cd player? Can anyone think of a better system for the money? Obviously I'll have to get a good conneting cable and speaker wire too.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Brand new to Audiogon.
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Even w/an in-home audition, you do not have a point of reference as to determine how good/refined/musical a product really is w/o first having heard different levels or classes of equipment. There is entry-level/ mid-fi and high-end. What we are talking about here is basically the same class of equipment. May I suggest one other avenue to approach. Buy used a really good high-end int. amp, say Bryston B60, Classe Cap series, Creek, etc...something which retailed new for $1500-2000 from a reputable seller. You can always resell and lose very little. You'll upgrade sooner or later, might as well skip a step. Just a thought...
I have owned a number of solid state integrated amps and receivers over the years (NAD C320BEE, Musical Fidelity A3.2, Audiosource 200, Marantz 2240, Harmon Kardon 3340) and for the money ($650), I would go with the Outlaw RR2150 receiver. The amplifier side is both detailed and musical sounding. Has a spectacular tuner, as well as some features (phono input) that might be of use to you. Here is a review .

As for the CD player, I would go with a Music Hall CD25.2 ($540). Excellent CD only player. Cambridge Adio used to make an Azur 540 DVD player which is excellent as well, if you could find one.

My bedroom system consisting of the Outlaw RR2150, CA 540, and Rega Ara monitors is a real pleasure to listen to. Very non-fatiguing sound. Sounds excellent with just about any type of music. Speaker placement is terrible ... on top of a bookcase about a foot apart and a foot from the rear wall and it is still a very pleasant listen.

Regards, Rich

Ok, ok. So after taking in the suggestions thus far and doing more research (you'd think I was buying a small moon), I must admit I'm quite pleased and enthusiastic with what I've read about the Outlaw RR2150 integrated amp/receiver (thanks, Rich!). I decided that I might want to get a subwoofer at some point to compliment my Paradigms, and this would do the trick. Also, even though I never listen to the radio, it'd be nice to have the option in case our local community radio station every does get on the local airwaves.

Thanks everyone for their help and suggestions thus far. BTW, does anyone know what a used pair of Infinity RS-5B speakers go for? I have my first piece of equipment now that have been upgraded and that I can sell to help defray the costs of what I'm looking at purchasing.

Now I just have to decide on a cd player. More research...