@nyev I did't order a new USB cable. That one is going to have to wait. This is what was said to me regarding my signal cables.
"My advice would be to bypass power cord auditions for now and try a loom of a brand that has a more balanced approach than the split personality you're running now. Nordost is all about speed, transparency and leading edge transients. Transparent blunts all of that, rounds off the edges and warms things up. However, these two together don't make anywhere near as balanced a whole as you might hope and I'd encourage you to consider listening to signal cables instead. You've got to get the signal side right before you start playing with the power side."
I ended up ordering an Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II XLR, and Acoustic Zen Hologram II speaker cables- Bi-Wired. Nice thing with The Cable Company is if I don't like the sound, I can swap for something else. However I've read a lot of people say how well both Luxman and KEF sound with this combo. I'll soon find out.