One turntable with two arms, or two turntables with one each - which would you prefer?

Which would you prefer, if budget allowed: one turntable with two tonearms or two turntables with one each? What would your decision criteria be?

And the corollary: one phono preamp with multiple inputs or two phono preamps?

Assume a fixed budget, but for the purposes of this question, the budget is up to the responder. Admittedly for this type of setup, there will be a sizeable investment once all components of the chain are factored in.

I'm curious to hear how people would decide for themselves the answer to this question. Or maybe you've already made this decision - what do you like about your decision or what would you differently next time?



I have a VPI 19-4 modded for 78 rpm play and a VPI TNT VI for LPs.   It is just easier to switch from one table to the other since the 78 player requires an equalization preamp whereas the LP play is RIAA flat in my system with a separate phono pre-amp.  I'm sure I could obtain better 78 rpm play with a better table and arm but it sounds great the way it is.   Plus, I already owned the VPI 19 from 1982.

Since mol Schiit SOL TT is a uni-pivot, changing arms is as simple as it gets. Finding an extra arm for the TT... well your SOL.

1 table multiple arms.  That’s why I own a VPI Avenger.  I have not developed the “own multiple turntable types” bug yet.

Prefer less phono boxes so less cables - I have a Grail SB.

I would appreciate a two armed LP table as well.  I'd keep my Dynavector 20X2 L and add something like a Hana Umami or some Koetsu.