Power cords or power conditioner

I’m at a cross roads and I’m looking for some advice from those have have gone down this road. I recently added a 2 channel integrated amplifier to improve my 2 channel performance. I had been using my Datasat LS-10 for music and while it sounded really nice, it was missing the depth and clarity that I know my speakers are capable of. My speakers are KEF Reference 3s, rest of my 2 channel set is is as follows:

Luxman L 509x

Luxman D-03x

Roon Nucleus Plus

Lumin U2 Mini

Transparent Audio Super speaker cables

Nordorst Red Dawn XLR, Blue Heaven USB

Wire World Platinum USB

All power cables are DYI using Oyaide Tsunami V2 cable

So what I feel I am missing is that 3D holographic sound stage. It was there with the Luxman 509 when I demo’d it, but I am unable to get that experience at my house. I feel that majority of equipment is up to the task but I am curious if I should ad a top shelf power condtioner like a Shunyata Triton or Torus AVR20 into the system or replace my Intergrated’s power cord with a Shunyata Alpha NC? I’m getting tapped out, so for now it can only be one or the other.

Or should I skip the above and focus on room treatments?


and are not as fortunate as you to have a dedicated room.

What makes you think I have a dedicated room?

did upgrade/change some of the front end electronics to make them more visually appealing to the SO

Completely valid science applied mathematically 😉



What makes you think I have a dedicated room?

It took a while, but using google “systems audiogon thyname” I found a room, that does not look like what my haus-boss would abide as a multifunction room.

Hence I assumed that would be called “dedicated”.

Nyev: "Lol…. I do get a kick out of the audiosciencereview channel.  I find it amusing and utterly useless. "

Completely agree. It is not regarded seriously by those who like to listen to music.

It took a while, but using google “systems audiogon thyname” I found a room, that does not look like what my haus-boss would abide as a multifunction room.

A picture of my room is right here on my profile when I post 😂. It’s a general purpose basement, a portion of it housing my audio system. It’s all how far one is willing to go on this hobby. If one is not allowed by the SO, or the proverbial “…. wearing the pants…”, then I feel sorry about you.


Speaking of which, this has to be lamest excuse one has in this hobby. It’s used so often, even by some with No SO whatsoever 🤦‍♂️

I have an unused family room in my house that I have been thinking about converting into a dedicated music room.  Ha, as other have said, I can only go so far in my current room before I start getting push back.  For example, I've received a little pushback on acoustic panels.  They need to be "art panels" that look "nice".   This is not a real issue other than "art" panels cost significantly more.   Also pulling the speakers out more, which would be beneficial, would make it difficult to walk through the room.   

For me the real issue with moving the music equipment upstairs is lugging it all up the stairs.  Taking a speaker that weights 110 pounds isn't a one man job!  I may pull the trigger on that idea though, as I could do anything I want up there.  

@ghdprentice   Good call on doing one thing at a time.  I'm very guilty of doing many things at once and then not knowing what exact item caused the improvement.  This is more an issue with my boat but I can see me doing the same thing here, now that I've decided to finally it get a 2 channel system up and running.