Bookshelf vs diffuser panel. Who wins?

I have a 3 x 5 bookshelf filled with books. The books are not even and some are more inserted than others.

Isn't this accomplishing the same thing as a 3 x 5 diffuser panel?




Friends of the Library was our "cheap date" going back to 1991 and up until Covid-19 put a halt to the sales.

We walked to the North Gardner library until it was closed and also frequented our local Sunset, Fairfax and Melrose libraries.

My wife maintains contact with many of the volunteers via social media as she has not been to a library since March of 2020 (I have been performing the drop off/pickups since then).



@dekay  We are neighbors!  Bobbette Fleschler & Catherine Mulholland founded the Friends in 1993.  I know because when I made the final bid for my house she was at the founders meeting and was elected first president that day.  (We got the house because of the photo).  Bobbette was in the Daily News newspaper in a large photo on the 3rd page showing her with our young daughter in the CSUN orange grove.  She was partly responsible for saving it (and was featured on a Huell Howser show).  You can appreciate my final gift to her.  

Has anyone seen cylindrical diffusers that come on a stand that can be mounted in the corner. Seems a diffuser from all angles might be a cool idea.

Maybe with all these stock piles of books people seem to have someone could package them up ever so carefully sized and then arranged scientifically to address all the frequencies just like a real diffuser. The small books, the median books and oversized books can be packaged up sequenced so they can be easily mounted on the bookshelf.

There this solves everybody’s problems allowing for modifications to suit the needs of all those people pretending they can hear differences. We know it’s really positive reinforcement at work. Oh I hear a difference, guess that means it’s gonna be better now. Huge plus if you get some books that you may want to read.