Disservice: XLR interconnects

I ended up shelling out some serious bucks and buying Cardas XLR interconnects and connected them between the Luxman C900U, M10X and the hifi Rose RS150B. I am blown away, at the details and just how it bumped up the sensation of just the beautiful musicality..

I have to say, I am no longer in the camp of cables don't matter. In fact, I think folks who say cables do not matter are doing a great disservice to the audiophile community. 


Amazing what your ears can tell you.

You've just had an epiphany. And now that you know, you can't ever go back.

And I agree......next up: Try a new power cord. :)

Maybe even try a fuse. :)


Did you move from RCA to XLR? A balanced component like the HiFi Rose will output double the voltage on XLR, usually while keeping noise floor the same. So that’s a huge advantage (and +6dB level boost), among other balanced drive advantages (common mode noise rejection). Quality cables definitely matter, but a lot of what you’re hearing there is probably due is the move from RCA to XLR.

Not all components sound better from the XLR outputs / inputs versus RCA. There’s a lot of variables. But it is quite often the case.

I learned in the eighties that interconnects matter when I went from the cheapie IC’s that came with components to Monster. I paid $112 a pair for them and was blown away! I ended up getting two more pair later!



Sounds to me as if you are endorsing high end cables… not specifically XLR. For the most part my experience has been that what usually counts is the quality of the interconnect more than whether they are single ended vs XLR. I recognize there are exceptions to this generality… in both directions.


@audphile1  +1

Yes, I also recommend trying a power cord… specifically for your amp… one designed for an amp. Some folks experience an even bigger difference with the power cord versus interconnect.