Disservice: XLR interconnects

I ended up shelling out some serious bucks and buying Cardas XLR interconnects and connected them between the Luxman C900U, M10X and the hifi Rose RS150B. I am blown away, at the details and just how it bumped up the sensation of just the beautiful musicality..

I have to say, I am no longer in the camp of cables don't matter. In fact, I think folks who say cables do not matter are doing a great disservice to the audiophile community. 


Not sure they do a disservice to the community, but certainly to their own listening experience.

I think there is a forum for those folks but the name escapes me. 

@mulveling I moved from some random XLR cables that I got from Amazon to the Dealer bought Cardas XLRs. And I am just kicking myself for not having done it sooner..

@ghdprentice you are right, I was commenting on higher range XLRs.. I feel like I have achieved the true potential of what I have assembled with the system.. I just recently updated the photos in my virtual system.. 

...Quality cables definitely matter, but a lot of what you’re hearing there is probably due is the move from RCA to XLR. Not all components sound better from the XLR outputs / inputs versus RCA....

This has been my experience. 

I moved from some random XLR cables that I got from Amazon to the Dealer bought Cardas XLRs. And I am just kicking myself for not having done it sooner..

That's cool! I know some advocate that the balanced standard removes audible differences between cables, but I've definitely heard differences upgrading through several XLR cables on my amps. No cheapie cables here, anymore or ever again :) 

@bdp24 Gear that adheres to the AES48 standard do have some audible sonic differences with various types of XLR's. The thing is if you are not too anal about it you can get 95% there with much lower cost pro cables. Even for those small differences someone may chose the lower cost cable based on sound preference alone. However. I am all for people spending money on audio gear and finding happiness.

I am rocking cheap 15 foot Benchmark XLR between my Benchmark LA4 preamp and 2 Benchmark AHB2 monos. They are AES48 compliant. I have tried 'better' consumer XLRs on these 2 and I could not hear a worthwhile difference.

With other non-AES48 compliant gear I have found 'better' cables to be preferred by me. Such as non-Benchmark sources to my Benchmark LA4 pre-amp I use Audience AU 24 SE XLRs over Benchmark XLRs