Don't post often here but thought I would let you all know I stumbled on a pretty amazing performer in this little monitor.

I would say the midrange is on par with my Harbeth 40.1, treble has a tad more leading edge bite than the best soft dome but its a really good top end that never gets nasty. Dynamically they are performing way better than they should. I'm betting they would compete with the new 30.1 sonically, just a guess.

Have them running with 20X price electronics in a small office and they are not outclassed in any way. Made me want to keep throwing my best gear with them they sounded so good.

If you are in the market grab a pair, you will not regret. Saw two pair this morning for sale for around 1K, I can't think of anything in 20 years offering this much performance for 1K. You could build a world class non-full range sound around these.
Only difference in Anniversary edition are the words “Anniversary Edition” is on the front speaker surround.
I auditioned the LS50’s for over two months with and without dual subs. Very nice speaker for the money as I think anyone would agree. I would add to the comments regarding their failure to handle complex musical arrangements as well as some higher priced speakers such as the B&W 805D which I spent some time listening too. Example: industrial music like Nine Inch Nails can tend to sound like random, obnoxious noise at times with many speakers including the LS50 while the B&W’s made sense of the chaos in a coherent, enjoyable way. To my ears the B&W’s excelled at everything I threw at them and made me feel like I was in the same room as the musicians in a much more pronounced way. Comparing the two, the LS50 is like listening to a concert from the cheap seats while the B&W will put you on the floor five rows from the stage. Of course I am comparing a $1,500 speaker to $5,000. If $1,500 was max budget, the LS50 would be difficult to beat.
Hi there Torxx,I have the ls 50,thankyou for your evaluation.I would like to hear the b@w speakers one day,now.cheers.For now,the kefs will do me,theyre showing every little change I make in the chain.Pretty much my first monitor
Siek you mention your silver lines minuet supremes in the mix how do they compare to the Harbeth and Kef? I have the silver lines with a and 326 and wondering about the differences realizing there is a big price difference. What would you drive the Kefs with?
Looking at buying ls50. ? I have is whether they will sound good on a shelf? Wife is not thrilled about stands. OK with them being on the console/rack where the hardware is. I knownits not ideal but anyone else deviated from the ideal? I had my Spend or S3/5 set up that way and it wasn't bad.
Hi,I doubt you will hear there full potential on a shelf.You mite get a good sound,but not a huge soundstage.