@immatthewj I use Blue Jeans Cables and home brew speaker cables. My speakers are Shahinian Diapasons and two Double Eagle Subwoofers, giving me two subs per channel. I mounted them on two steel stands filled with lead shot. As I said, the tube sound is a little compressed and a little bright with new tubes in the CJ Premier Fives @ 200W/ch, but after 75 to 100 hours or so, they mellow right out and sound excellent. They do last a long time, at least the way I use them.
I have lived with the Diapasons & Double Eagle combination now for over 40 years, although they have had factory upgrades along the way. They are the only speakers I found I can live with day after day and never tire of hearing them. I can't say that of other speakers I have owned or heard.
While we are on the subject of equipment - my main preamp is the CJ, I also have a revamped Spatial TVA-2, the last model they made but never made it into production, a Parasound preamp, and a preamp of my own design. I was on Spatial's Technical Staff, so everything they designed had my hands in it, which is why I have one. I have two other amplifiers, a four channel Marantz Class D (450 W/ch into the subwoofer impedance) for use on the subs, and another Parasound 2275 #2 that I will soon replace the Marantz unit with. I only have one of those, so picking up another one is next on the list.