
Hi all
I'm seriously considering purchasing the Boenicke W11 SE+ but I'm unable to demo & only have info from reviews I've read.

Are there any Boenicke owners on here who can provide their opinions...?



I just heard the w5s at Park Ave Audio in NYC  and was blown away by the sound stage and musicality. Andrew (the sales consultant) was sold on them and he’s a n audio nerd. Fantastic speakers driven by Hegel 590. Amazing sound. Imaging and ability to fill the room blew me away. I definitely want a pair. , just need to save, they are not inexpensive and like power.  

I'm spoiled now.. and can’t go back.

It appears some of you were replying to "@boenicke_audio" but I can't see any posts from him, did the mods actually remove his posts?? Wow...

I've had the W8 and still grieve selling them.  The sound is so disproportionate to the speaker's small size it seems like some kind of magic.  One warning, you need a serious amplifier as the little rascals are very very power hungry and are a difficult load with impedance dipping to just below 2 Ohm.  However, on the right power amplifier - pure bliss.