Mass-loading subwoofer

I have a Rel G1 MK2 subwoofer (108#) that sits on an Auralex Great Gramma V2 platform (300# limit) and I think that I want to mass-load it.
The question is mass-load with what and, how much weight?

I’ve been looking at (for instance) a box of granite/marble slabs etc. from Lowe’s that are still in the box and strapped, or bags of steel shot from etc. on Diversitech pads.

Would those options “rattle” etc?

I know that the obvious answer is to experiment but I really would like suggestions first and there seems to be surprisingly little information on the subject anyplace.




You have a $5500 subwoofer.

No need to reengineer it. Get another one if you're curious about improving overall performance of your setup as a whole.

Improve the room acoustics.

The best way to combat resonance in a subwoofer enclosure is with internal bracing. But that the job of the designer/builder. The consumer cannot add internal  bracing, as the braces eat up some of the enclosure's internal volume, which affects the sub's performance characteristics.

For a view of great internal bracing, head over the website of Salk Sound. Jim installs the Rythmik servo-feedback subwoofer system in enclosures of his own design and build, and his bracing is the best I've ever seen. Check out the illustration of the interior of the Salk/Rythmik 12 sub!

Thanks for the responses folks! 

I DO realize that Rel themselves dissuade against using a platform but with my current flooring it does seem to work better. 

Yes, it IS an expensive subwoofer but I paid less for it (used) than most other midline or even less brands would’ve cost. I have zero intention of changing subwoofers but merely wanting to experiment using others expertise as a starting point.
You are very correct about room acoustics though and would certainly appreciate any suggestions in that department. 

I sincerely hope that this response doesn’t come off as overly negative though and I’m merely asking for advice within the confines of my situation. 

Thanks so much! 

I have a 42 pound curling stone on my REL 7i. Not sure it makes any difference, but it looks good. 

… actually, I do think that it’s always good to get a completely different perspective from the way you are currently thinking so maybe I really shouldn’t limit advice at all. 

Thanks again!