Where did you buy your first audio gear?

I bought my first audio gear in a Post Exchange PX store in Baumholder Germany. I was a young soldier about 20 yrs old and bought a SAE amp and Preamp, Bose 901 speakers, Sony CDP-101 CD player and a Thorens TD 320 turntable. Where did you buy your first audio gear? What did you get?

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Audiocom in Old Greenwich, CT. 1976-78. AGI 511, Hafler 101 preamps, GAS Son of Ampzilla, Infinity Monitors 1A, DCM Time Windows, Ariston RDIIS TT/SME3009/JH Formula 4/KMAL arms/GAS Sleeping Beauty mc cartridge, Mitsubishi DA-F10 tuner.

tech hifi on angell street providence r.i. circa 1979-82 (i worked there to earn pocket money as a college student, first as a stock boy then as a customer service/sales person)

Radio Shack, so long ago I don't recall the specifics of what it was.  My dad bought it for me; we put it on lay away, common at the time (early 60s), and paid it off a few dollars at a time.  I loved it.  Today, of course, I have get that is far more $$ but far more satisfying.  Still, I loved that old RS setup.

Bought my first audiophile gear off of Headroom.com in the fall of 2002: Sennheiser HD580 headphones, Total AirHead portable amp. The AirHead sucked balls. The HD580 were awesome. 

First speaker gear came a year or 2 later, from a combination of a local HiFiBuys (aka Tweeter), Ascend Acoustics (online), and Crutchfield. Boy do I wish I could have that time and money back. When I later heard Tannoys at my first real hifi shop (Audio Atlanta), I wanted to dump all my gear in the trash.