Audiogon infested with pop-up ads

I use an ad-blocker on my phone. Recently the forum crashes on one type of browser so I switched to Google Chrome and have no blocker on it. I'm stunned as how almost unusable AG is with the infestation of ads. Even since yesterday, a new type appears slap-bang in the middle of the feed. 


@noromance,  I use Edge and its terrible.  I click on a post in for forums and.....nothing.  I have to keep clicking on the post before it gets retrieved.  I have started using my iPad as I have no such problems with the site when using it.  Audiogon is the ONLY site that does this with Edge.  One reason I am not in the forums very much now.

I use Chrome & Duck Duck Go with Ghostery and have no problems on AudiogoN. Make sure Chrome is always updated.

I refuse to use Chrome, they track your every move.  With Edge and Safari, I can adjust the privacy settings.   Google constantly hounds you too.  Without even knowing it before I retired, Google linked my work GMail account with my personal email that is not at GMail.