Aurender N200


I was hoping to get feedback on the Aurender N200.   I have a Bluesound Vault 2i that honestly has been great but I am looking for a significant bump up in sound. Will be using with a LAB 12 DAC which accepts USB class 2 output and has coax also.  I really like this DAC , although I do have the opportunity to trade up within a year so that's to be seen if I do that.  I find myself mostly streaming and want a great sounding stand alone streamer that won't be outclassed if I upgrade the DAC.   Any opinions of this unit would be appreciated 



Glad to see you got the D-750 already, and I’m sorry to hear the N200 and your DAC are not playing together nicely. Do you happen to have a toslink cable? I think maybe one was included with the N200. If you try that and it works, then the SPDIF interfaces “should” be fine and it localized it to the coax connection. If Toslink also drops out, then it is a signal that one of the units’ SPDIF interfaces is problematic as a whole.

If you haven’t already, check it there are firmware upgrades for both units and also try a hard power down on both for a few minutes. 

Very odd that the N200 works flawlessly with the RME but not your Lab 12. 

I believe it’s the DAC and not the Aurender.  

I reached out to my dealer and they believe there is an update that needs to be done on my DAC    He is going to investigate and get back to me.  It sounds great through either DAC  

It was nice being able to play content on the Vault through the Aurender.  Pretty cool

Build quality seems high on this unit. It is built like a tank.  Real solid 

I just received another N200 for a local customer today and will be opening it for him to install the hard drive he had me pair it with (2TB Samsung EVO).

Steve - I know the Aurender can see other drives on the network, but I haven’t tried to make that work myself. Was it easy to set up?

And yes, the build is very admirable. I'm also quite pleased with the new Conductor V3 platform/app for mobile phones. It's much more usable and attractive vs past versions! I've already submitted a few feature requests and improvements. The Aurender engineering team has been quite receptive in the past.

Yes, super easy.  Just click on NAS and follow prompt.  It found my Vault right away.  I just signed in as guest and I could see all of my songs. It is in  Folder layout but easy to navigate