Balance control?

I’m running an analog exclusive rig and feel like I’ve been dealing with a channel imbalance for awhile now. I’ve tried trouble shooting this every single way I can think of. The cartridge is set up correctly, checked tubes, etc. My question is: am I obsessing over finding the root cause or should I just cave and use the balance control on my integrated? I feel like it would be ideal to find the cause and not use the balance control. Dose using the balance control introduce anything into the signal? Ugh. 


In some ways I wouldn't sweat a slight use of the balance control, but it also could be something is wrong; so you need to figure out if its the cart, phono or otherwise....

If you already have a balance control in circuit, I say use it. I have the same problem but it is my room and my hearing combined. One slight difference added to another slight difference can matter. In some cases, speaker toe in may help.

 Yah, it's enough to drive us in circles!