Balance control?

I’m running an analog exclusive rig and feel like I’ve been dealing with a channel imbalance for awhile now. I’ve tried trouble shooting this every single way I can think of. The cartridge is set up correctly, checked tubes, etc. My question is: am I obsessing over finding the root cause or should I just cave and use the balance control on my integrated? I feel like it would be ideal to find the cause and not use the balance control. Dose using the balance control introduce anything into the signal? Ugh. 


Is room symmetrical? Sometimes channel imbalances may be due to room differences one side to the other, in this case asymmetrical placement of speakers needed.

Could also be hearing related, have ears checked, wax build up possible as well.


I have not tried that one. I did swap the interconnect on the phono pre but couldn’t really tell if the imbalance moved or not. 

Here’s what I’m running:

Hana SL cart

Clearaudio Ovation table w/ Magnify tonearm

Herron Audio VTPH-2 phono stage 

Cronus Magnum II integrated Amp w/ signal tubes rolled to Gold Lions - Brimmer in the center position 

Bowers & Wilkins 805 d3 stand mount speakers

2 Rel S-510 subs

Kimber interconnects and speaker cables




In some ways I wouldn't sweat a slight use of the balance control, but it also could be something is wrong; so you need to figure out if its the cart, phono or otherwise....