Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing

Today I picked up my Atma-Sphere Class D Amps. These aren’t broken in yet. And they are simply amazing. I’ve listen to a lot of High End Class D. Some that cost many times what Atma-Sphere Class D costs. I wasn’t a fan of any of them. But these amps are amazing. I really expected to hate them. So my expectations were low. The Details are of what I’ve never heard from any other amps. They are extremely neutral. To say the realism is is extremely good is a gross understatement. They are so transparent it’s scary. These amps just grab you and suck you into the music. After I live with them some and get them broken in. And do some comparisons to some other high end Amps Solid State, Tubes and Class D’s, also in other systems I’ll do a more comprehensive review. But for now, these are simply amazing amps.. Congrats to Ralph and his team. You guys nailed on these.




@kuribo "I have tried to move the discussion to the objective arena where discussion on the merits can take place based on facts and debatable parameters. I have mentioned such things as design, cost, value, performance, etc., in an effort to draw logical comparisons to other class d amps- rationale, objective parameters that apply to all amps and all listeners- things that can be legitimately discussed and debated, unlike opinions on how something sounds."

"Clearly there is a lot larger market segment at $1000 than at $4000-$5000. I am sure I am not alone in saying that I would not pay $5000 for an amp that offers me at best similar performance to one priced at $1000- it’s a non-starter."

Seems like you made a subjective judgment - at best similar performance - about the Atmasphere amp without having heard it. Nothing objective about that. Also, you’ve made it abundantly clear that you are fan/proponent of other designers approaches. That’s fine, and good for you that you have found some that suit what you value. However, neither Ralph or any other designer has to be beholden to the design approaches that you favor. And, if they feel that their differently designed amps warrant a different price point that is their choice; they understand the market and their business objectives. No one is forcing anyone to buy anything. If you get musical satisfaction with Class D at the $1000 price point, great; if someone else gets Class D musical satisfaction at $3000, $5000 or whatever, great. There’s no right or wrong in that. Likewise, everyone is entitled to their own assessment and value criterion; again nothing right or wrong in that.


If anyone lives in the MA or NH area and wants to hear the Atmasphere class d amps IN THEIR system, PM us for a listen. No obligation then you can report back your thoughts. 

(Dealer disclaimer) 

I have only voiced one concern-the image put out by the OP that he did not expect to like this amp but it is "amazing". 

Here is the OP way back in 2019 saying he was excited to try it once it came out;


If you get musical satisfaction with Class D at the $1000 price point, great; if someone else gets Class D musical satisfaction at $3000, $5000 or whatever, great. There’s no right or wrong in that. Likewise, everyone is entitled to their own assessment and value criterion; again nothing right or wrong in that.

+1 @facten

We all have our biases. Even the most ardent objectivists.




Seems like you made a subjective judgment - at best similar performance - about the Atmasphere amp without having heard it. Nothing objective about that.

I said:

"I would not pay $5000 for an amp that offers me at best similar performance to one priced at $1000- it’s a non-starter."

What makes you think this is a subjective statement? I have been asking for measurements consistently and have said ad nauseam there is no value in discussing, debating, or arguing, subjective opinions about amp performance. Clearly if you had read and understood my comments you would have realized I am referring to objective performance above. Since the manufacturer has refused to produce the measurements, we can not compare the performance, thus my "at best" qualifier.



However, neither Ralph or any other designer has to be beholden to the design approaches that you favor. And, if they feel that their differently designed amps warrant a different price point that is their choice; they understand the market and their business objectives. No one is forcing anyone to buy anything. If you get musical satisfaction with Class D at the $1000 price point, great; if someone else gets Class D musical satisfaction at $3000, $5000 or whatever, great. There’s no right or wrong in that.


I don't believe I have said anything that contradicts the above, which is all obvious on its face. I have stated that the amp, from an objective performance standpoint, provided that at best it performs as well as the current state of the art, is a poor value at 4x the price. That's MY opinion, based on fact. As you astutely remarked, "There’s no right or wrong in that."