I would like to interject, the concept of source. I engineered at an analog studio years ago. When we would bring our half track to have the record cut, the engineer would tell us listening to less than 15 seconds of the first track what we had for equipment to do the recording. This illustrates the variation in recording techniques, analog or digital so when we actually listen to music on the other end, of our expensive audio lenses. We are hearing the variations in the actual recording. Good bad or indifferent. I have 1.7’s Bryston 4stt3 . I’ve tried three streamers in German RME English Cambridge, audio, and blue sound. Each one rendered the recording in a slightly different manner. To somehow believe that the recordings are same same is a misnomer. The process is very subjective. Obviously one can find a sweet spot starting with the music. One listens to. But there has to be some level of acceptance, the origin recording the digital mapping technique of the analog sound. Causes one to hear this variation.
I haven’t even mentioned that I’ve listen to three different streaming services of the exact same song and have three different renderings and subsequent sound.even though it states the same sample rate
I’m sure each of you have looked at what audio lense hardware, and its high resolution rendering of a particular musical instrument and sound. I guess I accept the variation to me that is part of why I spent serious money to hear, & listening, as each of us have our unique systems that allows us to hear these variations, if one were to drill down on the liner notes of each of our songs, we would probably have. In analog days, a favorite engineer places it was recorded.
New recordings however, have introduced in my view at least 100 to 200 maybe more unusual artifact introduced into recordings. The logic of how the a/d conversion treats a sound. And on consumption end we hear such.
The original post, at first read, reinforces above. One thinks you need to swap your equipment it will merely make different source song now sound better. And what was great before not.
other comments here discuss rooms placement of Maggie’s and subs if your single or have a dedicated listening room, unlimited budget construction wood sheet rock etc . A 70’s recording studio built a room as close to completely silent really like anechoic chamber. I walked into it back then they closed the huge door. I couldn’t stay in there more than 10 minutes scary silent. It turned out no musician would be in there more than 10 minutes because of that although I’ve been perfect to record things in a silent kind of way.
I just accepted there’s imperfections all the way along the Audio food chain. The variation is just that I spend it a particular amount of cash and for me that’s stationary. I’ve adjusted the speakers to the room optimally. And enjoy listening that I can actually hear these variations.
Happy, listening.