GoldenEar Triton Reference for a large room...

Hi All:

i'm moving into an apartment with a large living room and am considering the GoldenEar Triton Reference speakers.

the issue with the large room (34 ft x 24 ft) is that there is a connected dining room nearby, and it is essentially open to each other, no doors, merely separated by one fireplace, so the bass will "leak" over to the dining room.  furthermore, the dining room has a wide hallway that leads to the kitchen, and there is also no doorway separating the dining room and the kitchen.

with all these connected spaces, my concern is that the bass would be lost or somehow discounted to a degree.  with that in mind, i am thinking of getting the References rather than the GoldenEar 1.R model, as the References have more robust bass drivers.

may i please ask the good folks here for thoughts, ideas, comments?

thank you in advance.


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hopefully, you'll be successful in finding my message there.  thank you.

i'm grateful for the helpful comments y'all have posted.  what a great group of experienced folks!  thank you!

the References are easy to drive, efficient, has adjustable deep bass, built-in amps which makes the midrange/tweeter easy to drive, thus an Anthem or Arcam might work well with these.

my remaining concerns are:

-  5-year old technology, design.  No improvements or "Model Reference 1.1" made yet.  Is this a real risk?  These continue to be considered Class A at both The Absolute Sound and Stereophile - literally can't get better accolades than these two publications.  Still, worth thinking about whether a 5-year old, untouched design, might be dated?

-  GoldenEar is now sold to Audioquest.  Is this a real risk?  Would customer service suffer?  Or might an injection of funding, the backing of a strong infrastructure actually benefit GoldenEar?  They have been very quick to ship out replacement amps to those with failed amp sections - will this continue?  Or will they become more stingy due to the corporate structure?

-  Quality control:  is being made overseas really an issue?  Many products are made overseas and may be either top tiered products or lower tiered products.  It all depends on what the customer paid for and asked for, right?  Is this not a real risk or is it a risk to some degree?  Clearly, this isn't a "Yugo" or a Ford "Pinto"!  So why would THIS high end product made overseas be a concern, and iPhones and Nikon cameras be not a concern?  Legitimate question.  Personally, i'm merely slightly concerned about quality control, but that's a concern about any high value purchase in general!

Thank you all in advance!  Look forward to hearing!

I should have said in my PM to you that I found the GE to sound best by far with an Odyssey Stratos Plus. High current balsy amp. Specs be damned by I did not find them to sound all that great with a Cayin integrated I had. I don’t buy specs sometimes just gotta try it. They sounded kinda dry and boring with the tubes for some reason. Dunno. My cheap Jolida EL 34 sounds downright fantastic with my S-1ex. Prob should not work on paper. 

@mofojo et al:

may i ask how you feel the References will sound with an Anthem 1140 or 740 AVR please?

i'll also have to buy one of the GoldenEar Center channel speakers.