Audio Science Review = "The better the measurement, the better the sound" philosophy

"Audiophiles are Snobs"  Youtube features an idiot!  He states, with no equivocation,  that $5,000 and $10,000 speakers sound equally good and a $500 and $5,000 integrated amp sound equally good.  He is either deaf or a liar or both! 

There is a site filled with posters like him called Audio Science Review.  If a reasonable person posts, they immediately tear him down, using selected words and/or sentences from the reasonable poster as100% proof that the audiophile is dumb and stupid with his money. They also occasionally state that the high end audio equipment/cable/tweak sellers are criminals who commit fraud on the public.  They often state that if something scientifically measures better, then it sounds better.   They give no credence to unmeasurable sound factors like PRAT and Ambiance.   Some of the posters music choices range from rap to hip hop and anything pop oriented created in the past from 1995.  

Have any of audiogon (or any other reasonable audio forum site) posters encountered this horrible group of miscreants?  


The stupidity in that statement is like 30 years ago technics new SS amp with it’s much flatter measured response now made the Vacuum tube amplifier obsolete 

when comparing measurements. The Technics is now obsolete -Non existant

thevaccum tube distorts Even harmonics the older Solid state odd or more bright 

that being said With Mosfets, Fet, Bipolors they have some tube like characteristics .

There are all sorts of legal implications that apply to posts and actions that are in forums.Including the right to sue somebody for malicious damage.

I do not think that anybody would argue that there is not a right to remove individual posts that breach the user agreement- made on a case by case basis but the exclusion of all posts that are made based on opinion regardless of their content is the concern.Those sorts of freedoms have been hard won and are not to be dismissed lightly.