How can you begin to know what someone will prefer? How can you begin to assume that you know what "better" means to someone else?
I answered that question several times on this thread. You deny its reality and I can't help that. So let's put it a different way- It really helps to keep up on research FWIW...
And yet it’s your product and you are the one making claims about your product and not providing measurements, saying "You either accept it or you don’t- much like you might if you saw a graph on our website- which you might believe or you might not." That sounds to me like "trust me". Asking and expecting me to trust some stranger is even worse.
And it isn’t, as I have said, that I don’t trust their hearing, it’s that I don’t trust their perceptions/taste.
What is a claim I've made? Just so we're clear on this. FWIW I've not asked anyone to 'trust me'. I was pointing out with that comment that such is an issue- its one thing for a manufacturer to put up information on a website. It's quite another when someone else does it. As a result I don't see the point; we already know what the amp does. The question now is really to our customers- do they think that the amps do what we said they would? My experience of the last half century is that if they don't think so they won't be customers.
And yet it’s your product and you are the one making claims about your product and not providing measurements, saying "You either accept it or you don’t- much like you might if you saw a graph on our website- which you might believe or you might not." That sounds to me like "trust me". Asking and expecting me to trust some stranger is even worse.
And it isn’t, as I have said, that I don’t trust their hearing, it’s that I don’t trust their perceptions/taste.
Its not by job to educate although apparently I do that with all the time I spend writing... Your position seems to arise out of you don't accept that the sense's perception and taste are two entirely different things! The former is autonomic and the latter conscious. So far as your writing is concerned, you conflate the two, which is a common mistake.
Not a lot of amps with distortion 120db down that would be said to have a "design issue".
Exactly!- but I said 100dB down IIRC and I do consider that an issue. Most of the numbers guys I run into think maybe -85dB to -90dB is acceptable. I know better, but good luck trying to convince them of that! So I don't bother.