Anyone ever use a Dynaco Quadadapter QDP-i

I just picked up one of these old Quadraphonic simulators and I wonder how best to use it. How much power can it handle? How does it effect  impedance when using four speakers? How much does it degrade performance and does it matter?


I owned and used one when they were new- maybe 1977 or thereabouts. I recall from the user manual the recommendation that all 4 speakers have similar efficiency and impedance ratings. And- the powering amplifier must have (or use) a common ground between channels. Most do, but it is important to verify!

I really enjoyed my time using the qd-1, especially with certain albums. At the time, I was using Dynaco speakers. I may still have the original owners guide…

This is known as the Hafler circuit, and there are many articles about the circuit, and the man, David Hafler, available to ponder.