
Hey all! I've been circling a Rega P10 turntable, which is their latest iteration. It has gotten great reviews by Rega afficionados, but not much notice from the TT community at large, that I can find. It's a deviation from the conventional thinking that mass=stability, and quiet. It is very lightweight, but stiff. I like unconventional, and am willing to take a leap, though. Question is, of course, has anyone had any experience with these TT's and what thoughts do you have? (Michael Fremer at Analog Planet did a 5 part video of the Rega factory with Roy Gandy a couple of years ago and I have to say I was really impressed by his devotion to his art and his conviction about the direction Rega has taken with its TT's.)


If you can properly isolate the table from vibration, I’d go with Rega. If that necessitates a wall shelf, that can be a deal killer.I’d avoid a unipivot arm and buy from a local dealer for support. Not a big deal for other components, but for turntables IMO, it is  must unless you are a hobbyist.




great reviews by Rega afficionados, but not much notice from the TT community at large

I noticed that too.  The P10 is a spec marvel over the RP10 with a lower noise floor, better controlled arm resonance and tighter bass.  No denying it is more audiophile now and the reviewers love it.  

The enthusiasm for the RP being what it was, I bought one a year before the P10 surfaced.  There was no big sell off of the RP, and the contagious enthusiasm for it did not follow the P.  I'm thinking the RP is for music lovers, the P for accuracy.  

On the list of things that ACTUALLY affect sound, the turntable is right down there with water pressure in your shower.

The turntable can certainly affect the sound negatively by transmitting (and possibly increasing) internal and external vibrations.  Being the source of the sound, it is the MOST impactful component @secretguy. Not sure what you are smoking.


Wow, I guess you have never been exposed to a real quality TT if you honestly believe that nonsense.