Listening chair height?

Many years ago I remember reading that ideally your ears should be at the same height as the tweeters.  Does this sound about right?


My tweeter level and ear level is 37 inches. I am using an Ikea Poang chair (really like it) I have perfect alignment. My speakers are Sonner Legato Unum with the factory stands. 

When I have the QLN Sonora's in place I am 2 inches lower but that is not bad and they sound fine. Guess I could sit on a pillow. 

Hope this is some help?? 




Sorry for not being so clear.  You were asking about listening on the tweeter axis.  The next larger and closest driver will be a midrang or mid-woofer.  That's what I meant by mid-axis.  I should have typed midrange driver axis.




Thank you for clarifying that for me, @erik_squires  ; the center of my midrange driver is at 34.5" above the floor.  Being these are B&Ws, I would have to say that I am definitely too high. 

For the time being I think it is going to be cheaper/easier/quicker to bring my ear level lower than to raise the speakers (although I am already considering that option).  Tomorrow I am getting out the whiz-wheel & doing some surgery on the chair I am using right now.  I will start looking into another chair as well.  JerryG says that his IKEA chair gets his ears down to 37" which is lower than my tweeters but 2.5" higher than my midrange  drivers--I may look into those.