Field coil dava cartridge

I have been hearing great things about the dava field coil cartridge with the tube power supply. I am only able to read a few reviews on them. The reviews seem all positive and the designer Darius seems to be a very approachable person . I would like to hear opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of the cartridge. Especially comparison with the Lyra atlas sl which is my current cartridge.

thanks in advance.


You might want to read the discussion of the DaVa cartridge on the thread titled “worlds best cartridge”. Mike Levign (sp?) who comments on that cartridge is the one guy who certainly has heard it and continues to hear it in his home system. He loves it.

Dear @newtoncr  : Almost all owners just do not matters of all the recording information in the LP grooves that that cartridge can't pick-up and your Lyra can. You can't recovery that MUSIC information .


That cartridge is a cantilever-less design that's the worst tracking cartridge kind of design and for me it's more important to pick-up the LP grooves information that that field coil kind of design

Along those losted MUSIC information a cantilever-less cartridge design develops a way higher distortions that you will listen due to its very bad tracking abilities.

The main and more critical and important cartridge design subject for we MUSIC lovers is : cartridge tracking abilities and here you can read an explanation about:


In other internet audio forum started the Dava stapede in 2020 for those kind of gentlemans that really do not cares of almost anything because even today does not exist cartridge specs.

If you want a field coil design maybe the Audio Note could be an alternative for you.


Btw, nothing comes by free, field coil designs needs two additional connection wires that in some ways could " stress " the tonarm free movements.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


Rsuli Don’t mislead people 
Dava A1 and Reference models
 have canteliver 
like any other conventional 

Trecability 80-90 microns

,+- 3db 20hz-20 khz,

VTF 3-3.5 grThd>0.5%

Thanks everyone for your response .

@lewm i did read about Mike’s comments about the dava. He’s a bit hard to read cause there is a lot of heart in what he says 😊.

I love my Lyra, I like my ortofon verisimo . I am tending towards getting the dava as a third Cartridge and  mount it on my Durand tosca arm.

more experiences are welcome .



There's additional discussions on the Dava cartridge on What's Best Forum if you're interested.