The Wilson Audio LoKe Subwoofer.

I receive the Wilson Audio newsletter emails. This afternoon I received a new one, and opened it. The page appeared, and the first article pictured was about the new (I presume) Wilson Audio LoKe Subwoofer, priced at $8750. In the first paragraph I read: "There is, as the saying goes, no replacement for displacement." I thought to myself "So Wilson is introducing a sub with a, say, 18" woofer? As competition for the 18" models by Rythmik Audio and Funk Audio?"

I opened the whole review, and learned that, no, the LoKe contains a 10" woofer, and a 500 watt amplifier. A subwoofer with a 10" woofer and a 500 watt amplifier, priced at $8750.

They have GOT to be kidding.

The Rythmik Audio F18 contains an 18" woofer, a 900 watt amplifier, and servo-feedback circuitry. And sells for $!849/$2070 shipped. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind it outperforms the LoKe by a wide margin.


Many audiophiles buy on name brand and cost not on actual performance. Why I don't consider myself to be an audiophile. I aim for performance not if it's approved by audiophiles and reviewers.

Don't know this sub, but Wilson's claim to fame is in its elaborate cabinets.  Like exotic materials, heavily dampened with furniture quality finishes.  They can sound very good, but I've never heard someone say Wilson is a high value loudspeaker.