Rebadging of Streaming Platforms

So I was reading some Q&A from an audio reviewer last night in which he mentioned that most audio streamers are just rebadged platforms from one or two vendors (I'm talking just the streaming portion of any unit, not the DAC).  I have had more than one dealer tell me the same thing.  So my question for anyone who knows is who actually makes these one or two platforms?  Or conversely, who actually makes their own streamers?  I going out on a limb and am guessing that Sonore may be one who "makes their own" but was hoping some one else had the actual answers.


Are you talking high end streamers?  Seems Aurender, Innous, and Auralic probably are independent products, which is consistent with their price points.

Yeah, this is probably true. One big exception, and extremely overkill, is the Mytek Empire which had 2 Intel i7 mini computers inside. They were still off the shelf minis but much more customized design than typical.  Does it sound better? No idea.

Honestly in some ways reusing a platform among many brands is better, because of the amount of R&D involved in the streaming part of the hardware. Having one company that only does the streamers means hopefully better updates and software compatibility down the road.

This is one big reason I went with Roon on Linux, though their major releases usually disappoint me.

Even if true, as with all things in audio implementation has a huge impact on the ultimate results.