New Marantz SA11S2?

Can someone please describe the new Marantz SA11S2 sound for me? In general terms, is it smooth, detailed, dynamic, soft, transparent, slightly veiled, impactful bass, slightly rounded bass, great treble extension or slightly rolled? Warm robust midrange, lean mids, fairly neutral to dry?

Thank you
Strangely, but your description might be suitable for huge range of gear - in terms how reviewers usually describe their impressions...

You simply suggest WHAT DO YOU WANT TO HEAR FROM OTHERS. This is very unconfortable position to get any valid reply, I think...

BTW, I own smaller SA-15S1, and I think I would use a good deal of your vocabulary to describe its sound.
ops. my bad, maybe i was asking for too much. and yes I do want to hear from others on what's their views/comments on the new Marantz SA11S2 player.

Thank you.