Rebadging of Streaming Platforms

So I was reading some Q&A from an audio reviewer last night in which he mentioned that most audio streamers are just rebadged platforms from one or two vendors (I'm talking just the streaming portion of any unit, not the DAC).  I have had more than one dealer tell me the same thing.  So my question for anyone who knows is who actually makes these one or two platforms?  Or conversely, who actually makes their own streamers?  I going out on a limb and am guessing that Sonore may be one who "makes their own" but was hoping some one else had the actual answers.



I agree that the DAC is important. Not only do I use a steamer, but I have a few thousand CD’s and a NAS that all end up going through my DAC. In fact, I’m listening to Houston Person from the NAS as I type.

I do think I would be much more likely to spend money on a DAC (up to a point) than the streamer. 

If you listen to people who’ve built streaming systems it’s pretty clear that everything matters, and matters a lot.  Cheap out on the streamer if you want because you think they all use the same modules, but the overwhelming evidence is that the devil is in the details.  If you look at reviews of streamers like Wolf, Aurender, Grimm, etc. you’ll see there is another level of performance no matter what common base electronics are used.  That’s the bottom line.  Your point is noted, but largely irrelevant. 

No the bottom line is if a person (or most) can’t here a difference then Smart is when to Stop. So imagine say 2% better, what kind of animal can here that difference Certainly not a human ! Now add up all the I think I here a Difference’s, Snake oil included, and the only real hard core fact is the money you’ve wasted. You might have a few Lit, Light, empty pretty cases, bells and whistles and flashey cables to brag about, so all is not lost. Yup we’ve come a long way, 40-50 years learning….What how to listen ? Heard that before Lol
Digital is here, things are changing, there will always be debates along with that marketing B.S. Enjoy 😎

Overwhelming evidence is that the devil is in your ‘pockets’ 😈 A ‘massive’ majority would leave little room if any for a debate correct ? But it’s easy BS for all to sling. Irrelevant as an adjective…not connected with your money  Lol 

Hear: can’t here a difference then 

Ben hearing this for  4o + years now yet analog is still here and we convert digital to analog. 

You might have a few Lit, Light, empty pretty cases, bells and whistles and flashey cables to brag about, so all is not lost. Yup we’ve come a long way, 40-50 years learning….What how to listen ? Heard that before Lol

1971 GTO eh? 

About as un-digital as you get. 

Think I will take my Lucid Air GT for a spin.