What’s Voodoo power cords signature sounding?

What’s Voodoo’s signature sounding in your 1 or 2 words?

Which cable company that has such similar house sound to Voodoo or vice versa.

lastly, which power cord(s) model did you own?



Things like cables offer minimal differences, 

However good a quality connection will prevent higher resistance and therefore can be justified. 


Just be reasonable compared to the price of your equipment and net worth. 

@curiousjim You delineate by price? Really? So if I price a $10 cable at $4000 it will perform better? And, considering the power cord is not even in the signal path makes the assertion even more impressive  

Im in the wrong business!


If you are looking for an argument with that logic, you’re barking up the wrong tree! 

Keep on drinking that cable Koolade!

I wonder if Bourne is an election and Covid denier.


"@curiousjim You delineate by price? Really? So if I price a $10 cable at $4000 it will perform better? And, considering the power cord is not even in the signal path makes the assertion even more impressive  

Im in the wrong business!"

Nice try with your straw man technique.  Too bad it doesn't fly.  Perhaps a course in remedial reading would help.