Zu Dirty Weekend 6 went on sale today

The good folks at Zu certainly know a thing or two about creating hype around new products. The Dirty Weekend 6 went on sale this morning. It was positioned as a first come first served release with a November delivery. I bought a pair with the "supreme" upgrade. A little risky buying without hearing them first, but I figure I can probably unload them if they're not to my liking, since they'll probably sell out. Any thoughts on these or Zu in general for that matter ..


@fendersrule ​​​​​​

Everybody talks about how Zu speakers  sounds "live" and "being there" . Guess I'm stupid,  but sounds live how?  As being at a rock concert where they are using PA-speakers,  or a acoustic gitarr and song without amplification in a church,  or like listning to a jazzband in a small club or a symphonic orchestra in a concert hall...?
Please enlighten me. 


What @ozzy62 said. Your vaulted ceiling and large room makes it a tougher space for the low frequencies to fill. Your listening area volume is waaaay more than mine. 

Here’s a quick shot. These speakers have plenty of low end in my small space.  You’re a good candidate for a sub.  I’d love to add a Zu sub eventually just for silly bass but I don’t need one. I’ve considered getting a sealed SVS as well.




@simna It’s like $299 or whatever for the hickory. It used to come standard but now Zu is charging for it. Perhaps there some more sanding involved in the finish between coats vs the black.

@bourbonkernel Yea, the damn record collection keeps growing. I’ll need to build another shelf soon. I’ve already had to store many records in other rooms (not pictured).

Yeah, my space is a tough space for low frequencies. As mentioned, I was cheating with my polks by having them up in the corners (as pictured). This created kind of a "boombox" bass sound that wasn’t necessarily bad. Now that "boombox" sound is away and I’m left with perceptively "different" bass. Cleaner, more refined bass, but perceptually I suppose I was expecting a bit more.

Yea, I may have to do the sub thing. I built a sub for my home theater room...could probably build another. They are honestly the most easiest and forgiving speaker to build.

Either way, this is a keeper purchase! Really happy with them. So much more depth and "analogue-ish" sound that comes out of them. 

It’s now making me wonder if my PMA-800NE is the best solid state amp to use. Denon makes a PMA 1700/1800 model that has MOSFET stuff in it that probably will sound better. But that's for the future.