@amir_asr, welcome to the forum, will you reciprocate and allow members here to post on your forum without instant bans because we have a wide range of opinions that may not be popular on asr as long as we are respectful?
You know, your members simply lose it if anyone likes a component that they have 0 personal experience with, but is simply popular to bash. Is this a dialogue that goes two ways or did you just come here to tell us that you are right and we are all wrong?
The idea objective analysis of the performance of a product is that it no longer requires personal touch. An amplifier producing 10 watts vs 200 watts that another produces is a fact. You don't need to be present, own the amp, run it, etc. to know if that is a fact or not. You look at measurements and see the data. So the notion that only people who can have an opinion about a product are those that own or used one is no sequitur.
You seem to be used to people making up imaginary characteristics for audio which only they can experience by playing with such gear. To the extent the facts like this cannot be verified or depended on, then there is no there there.
BTW, the above attitude did not seem to matter to you signed up into ASR to say that the Audioquest Go-4 cable is too old to sound good even though you had not heard it. And the fact that the cable was introduced 7 years ago.
You went on to say that there has been amazing advancements on cable technology as to make that obsolete. And that I and others should abuse return privileges from dealers to keep borrowing cables and returning them. I responded to you that none of this made sense and that it would violate my ethical standard to borrow cables like this.
You then kept posting and posting with nary a single back up research, engineering, etc. Folks eventually got tired of wasting time and ban came. You are welcome to show up and lecture us but make sure you are sharing reliable knowledge and not just claims and chatter.
Finally, if getting banned is a loss to you, then I suggest next time not jumping into a review thread and lecturing how the world turns when it comes to cables. And keep at it for 22 posts straight. If it is no big deal, then move along. We are not shedding a tear and neither should you.