What should I be auditioning?

I'm now looking for a speaker under $2,000 (floor standing or monitor) that will be used 75% for music and 25% for home theater. Ideally looking for a speaker that will have a wide soundstage and is not fatiguing. My musical tastes are pop, alternative, r&b, little hip hop. I don't listen to classical or jazz (yet).

What should be on my short list of speakers to audition?? Would appreciate suggestions.
Vapor Audio Breeze is only $1300 and they have a new model called the Stiff Breeze which has two woofers and the great Raal tweeter in the middle. I own the Breeze and it is fantastic!
If I didn't already have "way too many speakers" (according to my wife), I'd be all over

No affiliation, I just think that's a great deal.
Agree with Aerial 10T, and would also add Aerial 7b and 8. I had the 8 in main system currently have 7b in home theater. All three are outstanding and available at relatively low prices.
Look for local, you can usually get better deals that way, with cash n' carry. That way you get to listen to them first too, and most sellers don't want to worry about shipping big speakers. I got a great deal on the pair of Soliloquy 6.3i's I'm using now that way.

If I was in the market today, I'd snap these Audio Physics Virgo II's up.