@fuzztone @charles1dad I agree! Good clean power feeding good clean power supplies is the best place to start. I rewired for my audio system w/extensive thought out arrangements of 3 dedicated lines to separate digital from power (with one for analog for good measure) based on all sorts of obsessive research and a white paper from Vince Galbo with a separate subpanel/copper busses, high silver content contact grease, isolators/ground scrubbers, and a large in-line noise suppressing conditioner between the main and sub panel along w/the nicest sound outlets I listened to and Alan Kafton's last box of cryo'ed Diamond Handiwire). Phewy!
Isolation and power supply do seem critical, especially for digital gear. I'm curious if you've heard the Aurenders? The last 12-18mos of N10's had upgrades on their power supplies and might tip the scale towards them...
Enjoy the tunes,