@teo_audio ,
Science says that 'observation is king', where engineering says 'the laws of physics are king'. One can move us forward, one can make things in this world. Maybe one has no importance that is greater than the other, they both being parts of the modern structure of life, if you will.
I may not know everything about audio, but I know a lot about science in general and how it works. I also have pretty good reading comprehension and I am not prone to letting my emotions cloud my judgment or interpretations.
Amir has stated, many times, and effectively for those that either understand what he is saying or care to understand what he is saying, that "observation is king". You could have saved yourself a lot of typing, or a filibuster as @ghasley described it.
The difference is Amir is using the scientific definition of observation, where you, on the basis of writing a very long post that I assume is to refute Amir, are not using the scientific definition of observation though you believe you are. I changed X to Y and it sounded better is not scientific observation. I expect more often than not, when someone changes from X to Y expecting an improvement that they hear an improvement. That is called correlation, but is the causation because Y sounds better, or is the causation the psychology of the purchase? When scientists observe cause and effect, the most critical thing they do is isolate for the variable they are intending to measure. When Amir talks about listening, he does the same. That is scientific observation. In my former field, which you can perhaps guess by reading my posts, scientific observation was king even though you would be inundated on a daily basis with personal observations.