Cambridge 840C, YES it is as good as the reviews

Yes, I just received this player and can honestly say this is the first time the review was spot on. This is easily the best bargain in digital audio bar none. This player is in my mind and my musical tastes as good as it gets for under $5k or maybe more with the exception of the Resolution Audio Opus 21. It is that good.

I agree 100% with the review in absolute sound....the highs are to die for, the imaging and spatial presentation is that of a mega dollar player. The only drawbacks I can find is a slight lack in definition of low bass....but I only have 15 hours on the unit!! I fully expect that to clean up over time. This thing is the real deal.........
Best under 5000? well Reviewers tend to engage in hyperbole, this reminds me of Sam Tellings "best integrated ever" (regardless of price)statement for the LFD zero. Of course it is total hyperbole. I suspect partly it is becuase of the excitement any of us might get from a new listening experience, and partly that audio magazines exist to generate product buzz and sales. I used to read a review and think I gotta try this (a poster above said he drove miles to buy a "digital lens"), I myself have been gulity of the unheard mail order. Not anymore. After awhile you will care less what stereophile thinks, whether they agree or disagree, whether your gear is "recommended" or whatever. Back in the 90's people walked into stores ready to buy stuff within 5 minutes because stereophile said it's good. I imagine it still happens sometimes. I never worked in audio sales but know enough people that have.
AudioAdvisor will send you one with 30 day moneyback gaurantee. I just ordered one to compair to an Arcam 192
I demoed a 840 from a dealer a while back and thought it was quite good. However for me, I still prefer my 20 yr old CAL aria. It has been modded with better output caps but thats it.
The 840 is clearly better at resolution and has a better dac chip set. However In comparison with my cal; instruments and orchestras just sound more real, have more life. Low end extension was better with the cal, but high end better with the 840. Resolution is not the most important thing for me, realism of timbre is . I mainly listen to classical music.
To be clear I found nothing offensive with the 840, and have not tried any 5k players as that above what i would spend on a cd player. I would be quite disappointed if I could not get something better for 5K.
Giant killers don't exists in high end audio. Period. Of course a $4k CDP sounds better than the very compromized (in terms of design and execution) Cambridge. This is a fact. The concept could be priceless, but the selling price is the limitation. You could stuff a Ferrari engine into A Volkswagen Beetle. It still is a VW Beetle... with a Ferrari engine.

To put a little perspective (and humour) into this, lets consider what players were -- at one point -- under 5k.
The Lector CDP 7T,X,Y,Z. The Edge player HP reviewed, along with the Bluenote Stibbert (remember that? Vanished! Poof! Somebody threw a good spell -- Disappartus!-- at it, and it no longer graces TAS' pages), Marantz SA11s, Ayrec CX-7E, Musical Fidelity A5, Meridian G08CD (EFG), and the EAR Acute (it's cute!, but it was actually, last time it was mentioned, $5495. Alas, not quite a member of the under 5K club).
SO: does the Cambridge sound superior to all these? In that case, it must: not only image well, BUT, it must Focus (remember, imaging's nothing if you can't tell which direction the piano is facing! You Must, I say MUST, have specificity, focus and 3-3-3D imaging). It must have space (and time) and width (spreading hips??) and depth (like the Appalachians). It must have tender, delicate highs, wispy, etheral and harmonically vivid as a sunset. It must have completely perfect tempee, rhythm and boogie like Chubby Checker, and be as pure as snow on Christmas Eve. It must reveal that the first violinst wears Fruit-of-the-Loom underwear and is wearing Piaget men's cologne. On top of all that, it must be as alive as the Hills-Are-Alive- With-The-Sound-of-Music-Alive.
Who could do all this and still only be...a machine? Paris...ick...Cambridge Audio, the 840C, made by GOD Himself!
Now that we've settled all that, lets be real. Some of us have heard it, some haven't.Some of us who have heard it haven't heard ALL of what it can do, and don't have Wilson Maxx speakers, and don't listen to live music, and don't care what live music sounds like, but like their systems to sound a certain way so they don't like it but the Elixir of Life CD player is faaaaaar superior -- and they just HAPPEN to own that one.
I imagine it's a fine player, except that Harley doesn't listen to rock, so he never mentioned if it can rock, doesn't listen to vocals, so he didn't say it made Ella sound like ELLA!!! (but he does like jazz) and he hasn't heard everything under 5k. His article's pull quote, though, WAS (a bit) foolish: "The best cd player under 5K for....$1499" or whatever the exact wording was. He -- and the magazine -- set themselves up for this. I also imagine it really IS wonderful, but nobody can anticipate "everyone" and what "everyone" looks for. Otherwise, somebody would be perfect, and nothing made by man is perfect. I mean, if the Magico V3, as an example, is so lifelike as to be spooky, why buy a Revel, or, lets aim the gun squarely at Dave Wilson,why buy a WATT at all? Clearly the Magico sounds like real life, and not too much else does, according to TAS. Maybe they're right.
Still..I'm still gonna listen to an 840, and hear for myself what it sounds like. Maybe we all should, just to have a sense of what's even possible at less than 30K. But listen to live music first, so you actually KNOW what a violin, a guitar, a flute, French horn, piano or contrabassoon sounds like.