Jay’s Audio CDT3-MK3 wins over Aurender W20SE

In search for digital perfection I’ve continuously upgraded my streamer to find Qobuz nirvana. The streamer’s only competition has been my Audiolab 6000CDT which clearly outperformed any Chord 2go/2yu and the Volumio Primo middle grade streamer. Only after buying the flagship Aurender W20SE did my streamer blow the CD transport out of the water, like burn every CD never going back. But studying hi end CD transports I decided on the Jay’s Audio CDT3-MK3 and it has been a revelation. It’s like I’ve never heard a cd before. It so outperforms the W20SE in detail clarity depth richness of tone it’s astonishing. IMHO CD with a hi-end CD transport is far far better than the absolute best streamer in the world. The W20SE is not going up for sale but will be getting much less use from now on.

I’d be interested in the community’s thoughts about CD vs Streaming.


I’m listening to SACD in DSD right now from the W20SE’s 4 TB hard drive and it is comparable to the upsampled Jay’s MK3 using the Mscaler. They are both extraordinary, it will take weeks for the MK3 to burn in, 400 hour burn in time they say….  

Streaming services often apply data compression - data is discarded so files can fit the digital pipeline. That's what you get for convenience!

@jasonbourne52 so you’re saying that even though a streaming platform advertises a certain bitrate and the DAC registers and displays that bitrate, that it is actuallly less??

CD vs Streaming…this topic has been beaten like a dead horse. As @jon2020 pointed out there are so many variables when comparing the two formats. I stream via Qobuz and there are many recordings that sounds exemplary and there are many that don’t; not because of any compression but due to original master source. Same applies to CD’s as well. Not all CD’s sounds great. I am streaming 95% of the time but still buy select CD’s that are mastered from analog tapes.

My suggestion to the OP, don’t get caught with which format sounds better. IME, Streaming, CD or Vinyl can all sound amazing when fed with a well mastered recording. 

This is not ordinary streaming, this is Qobuz 24 bit - 192khz uncompressed streaming with a $22,000 Aurender W20SE and a 1 million tap Chord Mscaler upsampler. This technology should be compared to CDs to see where we are at in HiFi to the potential of ultra high end streaming + upsampling to the best of the best CD transports. It is a fair and good test for many in digital hifi.