One turntable with two arms, or two turntables with one each - which would you prefer?

Which would you prefer, if budget allowed: one turntable with two tonearms or two turntables with one each? What would your decision criteria be?

And the corollary: one phono preamp with multiple inputs or two phono preamps?

Assume a fixed budget, but for the purposes of this question, the budget is up to the responder. Admittedly for this type of setup, there will be a sizeable investment once all components of the chain are factored in.

I'm curious to hear how people would decide for themselves the answer to this question. Or maybe you've already made this decision - what do you like about your decision or what would you differently next time?



@pindac I use Panzerholz quite a bit. My DIY air bearing turntable uses a platter board made of Pz topped with carbon composite. Dead as a tomb - and quite unnecessary as the air bearing produces no noise whatsoever (it’s air in all 3 dimensions). So that was an unnecessary expense but it looks pretty fine.

The motor board is where a massive slab of Pz really makes a difference. It’s one of several measures to reduce motor noise, and that is down to the noise of the sleeve bearings in a low power precision motor. I've tested that and can demonstrate.

I also use Pz in my DIY air bearing tonearm wand. The cartridge has a very low compliance and couples nicely with a heavy, resonance-resisting wand. What works best is to have the Pz layers perpendicular to the axis of the wand, so that there are hundreds of birch / phenolic boundaries between the stylus and the air bushing.

DIY forever!

No harm in having a little surplus, when it comes to Vintage TT's.

It's a bit like land, 'they are not making in it anymore'.

Getting the time is crucial to getting the experimentation ventures put in place. 

After encouragement to a semi-retired friend over a period of time, they have at present machined a Panzerholz Plinth, and have now used the P'holz to produce a design for a Kaneta Plinth Design, to be used with a surplus owned SP10 MkII.

The end design has been produced and allows for Three Tonearms to be used, of which one can also be a up to 12" inch.

The initial demonstrations/comparisons will be using 9" inch arms, of which one is to be a fixed Head shell Arm, i.e, the SME IV or Audiomods Series Five. There is also an Origin Live 'Illustrious' that might be made available. The fixed Head shell arm will be used in comparison, to the Kaneta Builders own Tonearm Design with a rare method used to produce a detachable Head shell. The third Tonearm Design is the Tonearm both me and the Kaneta Builder own and use, that in this build guise, has a conventional removable Head shell design, and not the most recent Head shell connection produced.

Awaiting their opportunity to be used with the arms, there are two Ortofon Kontrapunk B's in original build guise, that both share similar hours of usage and Two unique types of Bespoke Built Ortofon Kontrapunkt B's, with not too far apart hours of usage. 

The original build K'b, has proven itself within the group of individuals I regular spend time with, to be a Cart' that can be extremely impressive through to underwhelming depending on the arm chosen. 

One of the rebuilt K'bs to be used, has been used in a variety of demonstrations has been proven to make a very good account of itself.

The earliest talk on the structure of the investigations to be undertaken, will be to learn where the Tonearms are seemingly most noticeable at being effacious in their ability to not impart a sense of mechanical impediment when in use.

For myself, the sense that a Tonearms mechanical function is not having an effect on the replay being presented is a real attractor and a desirable trait.

I personally removed the SME IV and Audiomods out of regular use, for the reason, there was a sense of there being an impediment to the mechanical function being detected. It will be good to revisit this old experience/influence and see, 'what is', in the comparisons taking place. 

The method chosen for the demonstration/comparisons will have the beneficial advantage of having little time delay between the demonstration and assessments.

The Tonearm interface with the 'Standard Built K'bs' and the 'Derivative K'b Versions', will certainly be very carefully assessed to see where the attractive and less attractive presentation is to be found.

This will keep a Group of assessors busy for a reasonable period and might also entice other Tonearms to be offered for the assessments to extend.

There has been Talk of Trying out different continuous length wand wires, for a later down the line comparison session when much more is understood.

One Turntable with Three Arms for this type of venture seems quite fitting, Three identical Cart's would be the icing on the Cake, but 'hey ho'.


@terry9 A very welcome report, the benefits of use are once more shared.

I once offered a DIY Tonearm Builder a Blank of Permali to be used as a wand material, which was declined. You have seemingly worked out how to use it for this role to its best, with the attention to detail for the laminations. 

There are only two other Densified Wood types, I am aware of that would offer more layers of laminations to P'holz B25, one is another Delignit Material and the other is referred to as Picowood. If I read the Spec' correct, I think the compression reduces the thickness of the uncompressed stack by 60%, so more layers are able to be used per given thickness of the end produced board. 

No question, more is better. My sample of B25 is 19 layers of birch, 18 of phenolic in 19mm, right on spec.