What is the 'World's Best Synergy' ?
There is no doubt that very few Individuals, whether a Commercial Retailer or an Enthusiast User, are using the same System Components and Supporting Ancillaries.
Take this further and include the variations in methods used to Support Components and the Unique Environment the System is set up in, it all adds up to each individual making a commentary on value given to a Component, Ancillary, or complete System, all have a very unique interaction with it, which will be interpreted in a way that is with limitations.
The information that is usually offered and most commonly evident, is where the most valued impression made was recollected.
When considering the above, it puts in place, that in general each individual, will have developed preferences based on their Unique Encounters of a HiFi System.
The Presentation that is on offer, will be assessed against the attraction to the ed a Stimulus produced within themselves.
If a person desires to reinforce their findings by investigating the design parameters for a product that has made an impression, that is quite different to the stimulation of the senses that has been pursued through receiving a demonstration.
The rating of value given to a device, ancillary or overall system, is usually derived from the stimulation created through the listening experience only.
The following description is supplied by a forum member, who has without their obvious endorsement, have willingly or unwillingly, recently been elevated to an Exalted Level by another, in relation to the idea, they are above the regular contributors in the Technical Expertise for the usage of a HiFi System.
What the following does demonstrate, is that the methods selected and being prompted to be discussed, are not usual selections being made for ancillaries used to connect components to produce a HiFi System.
The choices are seemingly thought of as unusual, especially as there is a selection of choices made, that are veering away from what might be considered a regular thought on such a practice.
I read the thread on WBF via the URL provided by Mike. He started the thread in mid-2020, and I read it up to about mid-2021, but posts continue to the present. As of where I left off, Mike owned two of these expensive LFD cables. One is a phono cable terminated at one end with a DIN plug. To quote Mike on WBF, "the LFD phono is from the CS Port turntable to the EMIA silver SUT; the SUT is connected to the MM input on the CS Port phono with 18" special interconnects provided by Dave Slagle..." Mike is using the second cable, which is a conventional IC as follows: "the LFD RCA interconnects are from the CS Port phono to the dart [DarTZeel] preamp." As of where I left off, apparently Mike had acquired a second phono cable for his Saskia. (Mike, sorry to speak of you as if you in the third person. Please correct me if I've got it wrong.)
It would never have occurred to me that the road to cable Nirvana would be found by combining many strands of wire of different gauges and different shapes (ribbon AND round cross-section) and even different compositions (one strand seems to be copper sheathed in silver; the rest of the strands are pure silver).
"I don't know how to rationalize it, but I don't argue with listening tests".
I think Mike and others on WBF are just as surprised at the results.
What is the 'World's Best Synergy' ?
The one that any individual, albeit, Professional, Enthusiast or Casually Interested, in any aspect of replaying recorded music decides is best for them.
It is easy to create preconceived perceptions and get surprises when the unusual delivers the goods.
I have been undoing such a limiting outlook for too many years, I certainly am not feeling any constraints, an open mind is present for all that is to be experienced.